Wednesday 5 December 2012

Fliers to flash mobs

Getting a message out there through the various marketing channels has changed over the years. I am always fascinated by the adverts and the process of getting a message across. Quite often on TV or the radio I actually take notice of the commercials just to see how things have changed. There are some really lame adverts where you know you could have written the content in 10 minutes and the original format of how the message is conveyed. I know budget has a lot to do with it too. Are they purposely bad to that you remember them for being bad and therefore remember the brand? However over time, there have been some absolute beauties. Flash mobs are a relatively new thing. With the use of social media and being able to make a video go viral instantly, more businesses are turning to this. Its a change in technology and marketing is changing with it. Before the England and New Zealand rugby game, a flash mob was organised in Trafalgar square. It wasn't necessarily selling anything other than highlighting that the Kiwis were in town and that there was a rugby game on today. One of my favorites has to be the T Mobile Welcome Home. Definitely memorable. Whats your favorite commercial?

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